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En menéame desde septiembre de 2016

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  1. @Wayfarer

    Viendo tus consejos musicales, es posible que te guste este disco www.zonadejazz.com/2012/03/15/joe-henderson-double-rainbow/.

    No vas a tener problema en escucharlo desde Youtube.

    @enea @Fantomax @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  2. @enea En ese mismo disco está una de mis canciones favoritas :-)

    Vinicius de Moraes, Maria Creuza, Toquinho - Tomara

    Que você volte depressa
    Que você não se despeça
    Nunca mais do meu carinho
    E chore, se arrependa
    E pense muito
    Que é melhor se sofrer junto
    Que viver feliz sozinho

    Que a tristeza te convença
    Que a saudade não compensa
    E que a ausência não dá paz
    E o verdadeiro amor de quem se ama
    Tece a mesma antiga trama
    Que não se desfaz

    E a coisa mais divina
    Que há no mundo
    É viver cada segundo
    Como nunca mais

    CC @ángel. @Fantomax @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
    P.S. Si alguien quiere que le saque de las menciones habituales en las notas de música, que me lo diga
  3. @enguivuck @personare @fantomax Me habéis hecho recordar esto... :-)

    Amadian - Lela

    Están as nubes chorando
    Por un amor que morréu
    Están as rúas molladas
    De tanto como chovéu
    Lela, Lela,
    Leliña por quen eu morro
    Quero mirarme
    Nas meniñas dos teus ollos
    Non me deixes
    E ten compasión de min
    Sen ti non podo
    Sen ti non podo vivir
    Dame alento cas túas palabras
    Dame celme do teu corazón
    Dame lume cas tuas miradas
    Dame vida co teu doce amor
    Lela, Lela ...
    Sen ti non podo,
    Sen ti non podo vivir

    Por si a alguien no le gusta la versión de mi grupo ( ¬¬ ejem...), aquí dejo también la versión de Carlos Núñez y Dulce Pontes

    CC @ángel. @Enea @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
    P.S. Si alguien quiere que le saque de las menciones habituales en las notas de música, que me lo diga
  4. @enea Bueno, yo no me fijé en ese detalle, pero me imagino que las muchachas estarían atentas. De todas formas la cena fue en plan cóctel, así que nadie tuvo que sentarse :-D
  5. @enea Pues imagínate la sorpresa en la cena cuando le vimos aparecer de esa guisa. Espectacular, ya te digo :-D
  6. @enea Si lo dices por el guaperas de la foto, te advierto que no es él... aunque la ropa es prácticamente igual a la que llevaba en la cena de la empresa, quitando los colores y el patrón del tartan y las medias que llevaba con los zapatos. ;)

    Te ha gustado el modelo, ¿eh? :-D
  7. William Shatner - You'll Have Time

    Live life
    Live life like you're gonna die
    because you're gonna
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news
    But you're gonna die

    Maybe not today or even next year
    But before you know it you'll be saying
    "Is this all there was?
    What was all the fuss?
    Why did I bother?"

    Now, maybe you won't suffer maybe it's quick
    But you'll have time to think
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?
    You'll have time
    Because you're gonna die.

    Yes it's gonna happen because it's happened to a lot of people I know
    My mother, my father, my loves
    The president, the kings and the pope
    They all had hope

    And they muttered just before they went
    Maybe, I won't let go
    Live life like you're gonna die
    Because you are

    Maybe you won't suffer maybe it's quick
    But you'll have time to think
    Why did I waste it?
    Why didn't I taste it?
    You'll have time
    'Cause you're gonna die


    You're gonna die
    You're gonna die
    By the time you hear this I may well be dead
    And you my friend might be next
    'Cause we're all gonna die

    #Música #Estado_Musical #Optimismo
    CC @ángel. @Enea @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  8. For What It's Worth - MonaLisa Twins

    There's something happening here
    What it is ain't exactly clear
    There's a man with a gun over there
    Telling me I got to beware

    I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down

    There's battle lines being drawn
    Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
    Young people speaking their minds
    Getting so much resistance from behind

    It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down

    What a field-day for the heat
    A thousand people in the street
    Singing songs and carrying signs
    Mostly say, hooray for our side

    It's s time we stop, hey, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down

    Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you're always afraid
    You step out of line, the man come and take you away

    We better stop, hey, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down
    Stop, hey, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down

    CC @ángel. @Enea @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi

    P.S. Para puristas, la original:
    Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth
  9. Jeanne Cherhal - L'Echappé

    Même si tu n’dis rien quand on ferme les yeux
    Si tu ôtes ta main de mes cheveux
    Si tu n’m’écris pas quand je te manque quelques heures
    Si tu ris quand je crois toucher ton cœur
    Même si tu es et pris de grande liberté
    Toi qui n’as pas appris à la dompté
    Si tu n’m’appelles pas quand il n’y a pas de raison
    Si tu ne rentres pas à la maison
    Je te cours le souffle court
    Dans les étages de la tour
    Je te cours et toi tu m’échappes encore

    Esta noche os traigo una canción que me ha gustado mucho de una artista francesa que he descubierto de una forma altamente inusual. Si os interesa saber qué significa la letra, mirad en noticias.universia.es/educacion/noticia/2015/08/03/1129213/10-sitios-a ;)
    Más info: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanne_Cherhal

    #Música #Estado_musical #BuenasNoches
    CC @ángel. @Enea @Fantomax @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
    P.S. Si alguien quiere que le saque de las menciones habituales en las notas de música, que me lo diga
  10. Morning Has Broken - MonaLisa Twins (Cover)

    Morning has broken like the first morning
    Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
    Praise for the singing
    Praise for the morning
    Praise for them springing fresh from the world

    Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
    Like the first dewfall on the first grass
    Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
    Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

    Mine is the sunlight
    Mine is the morning
    Born of the one light Eden saw play
    Praise with elation, praise ev'ry morning
    God's recreation of the new day

    Morning has broken

    Definitivamente, me he enamorado... :-P {0x1f60d}

    #Música #Estado_musical
    CC @ángel. @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi

    P.S. Para puristas, la original:
    Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken
  11. While My Guitar Gently Weeps - MonaLisa Twins

    I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps
    I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
    Still my guitar gently weeps

    I don't know why nobody told you
    How to unfold your love
    I don't know how someone controlled you
    They bought and sold you

    I look at the world and I notice it's turning
    While my guitar gently weeps
    With every mistake we must surely be learning
    Still my guitar gently weeps

    I don't know how you were diverted
    You were perverted too
    I don't know how you were inverted
    No one alerted you

    I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
    While my guitar gently weeps
    Look at you all
    Still my guitar gently weeps

    Creo que me he enamorado de una cantante pelirroja... :-P {0x1f60d}

    #Música #Estado_musical
    CC @ángel. @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi

    P.S. Para puristas, la original:
    The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
  12. God Only Knows - MonaLisa Twins (The Beach Boys Cover)

    I may not always love you
    But long as there are stars above you
    You never need to doubt it
    I'll make you so sure about it
    God only knows what I'd be without you

    If you should ever leave me
    Though life would still go on, believe me
    The world could show nothing to me
    So what good would livin' do me
    God only knows what I'd be without you

    God only knows what I'd be without you

    If you should ever leave me
    Though life would still go on, believe me
    The world could show nothing to me
    So what good would livin' do me
    God only knows what I'd be without you

    God only knows what I'd be without you

    #Música #Estado_musical
    CC @ángel. @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi

    P.S. Para puristas, la original.
    The Beach Boys - God only knows (1966)
  13. The Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice

    Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?
    Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
    And wouldn't it be nice to live together
    In the kind of world where we belong

    You know it's gonna make it that much better
    When we can say goodnight and stay together

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
    In the morning when the day is new?
    And after having spent the day together
    Hold each other close the whole night through

    Happy times together we've been spending
    I wish that every kiss was never ending
    Wouldn't it be nice?

    Maybe if we think, and wish, and hope, and pray, it might come true
    Baby, then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
    We could be married
    And then we'd be happy

    Wouldn't it be nice?
    You know it seems the more we talk about it
    It only makes it worse to live without it
    But let's talk about it
    Wouldn't it be nice?

    #Música #Estado_musical
    CC @ángel. @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  14. @Wayfarer

    Cómo nos gusta Damien Rice

    Qué guapa está Ariadna Gil en aquella película. Qué buena la banda sonora de Michel Camilo.

    @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  15. Damien Rice - Back To Her Man

    The look of hunger in a woman with heat
    Is enough to lift an old man from his knees
    Like the piece of a puzzle
    he's been lookin' for
    He was leanin' to dyin'
    now he's comin' back for more.

    The look of a woman
    when she gets you alone
    You can't see what's comin'
    but there's blood in your bones.
    There's powder in your pocket
    and ships in your sea
    Well it doesn't often happen
    but it happened to me.

    Then she goes back to her man
    Back to her man
    Back to, back to her man.

    There's a look of war in the way that you go
    But the lead in your arrow is loose,
    don't you know?
    And all that you've got is lost in the game
    Of picking your own pockets
    for someone to blame.

    There may be nothin' above the art of love
    Depending on who you're dreaming of
    And you can't escape
    when it feels like rape
    But who's raping who?

    Then she goes back to her man
    Back to her man
    Back to, back to her man.

    She don't love him
    She don't love him no more
    Love him, love him

    She don't love her man
    She don't love

    She goes back to her man

    CC @ángel. @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  16. Beautiful Boy - John Lennon

    Close your eyes
    Have no fear
    The monster's gone
    He's on the run and your daddy's here

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy

    Before you go to sleep
    Say a little prayer
    Every day in every way, it's getting better and better

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy

    Out on the ocean sailing away
    I can hardly wait
    To see you come of age
    But I guess we'll both just have to be patient
    'Cause it's a long way to go
    A hard row to hoe
    Yes, it's a long way to go
    But in the meantime

    Before you cross the street
    Take my hand
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy

    Before you go to sleep
    Say a little prayer
    Every day in every way, it's getting better and better

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy

    Darling, darling, darling
    Darling Sean

    #Música #Estado_Musical #BuenasNoches
    CC @ángel. @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  17. @ángel. :hug: :-)

    Tahures Zurdos - Dime Que No

    Dime que no, sólo dime que no
    que no es demasiado tarde para nosotros dos
    dime que no, sólo dime que no
    sabes que no es lo que quiero oir
    por favor dime que no

    El sueño ha terminado y nosotros con él
    porque el tiempo no perdona
    el daño ya está hecho y se fue el amor
    dime que nos queda ahora

    La imagen es borrosa y a mi alrededor
    el aire se vuelve tan frío
    un hombre sabe que no hay nada peor
    que quedarse en el camino

    Dime que no, sólo dime que no
    que no es demasiado tarde para nosotros dos

    Tú lo crees, yo lo vi, en tu corazón
    tú no lo crees, yo lo vi, en tu corazón
    en tu corazón, en tu corazón, en tu corazón
    en tu corazón, en tu corazón,
    yo sé que ahora estoy sola
    en tu corazón, en tu corazón

    #Música #Estado_Musical
    CC @Enea @enguivuck @Likiniano @Mamenol @nilien @NoSePaDondeTirar @saó @tnt80 @Vi_Vi
  18. @enea

    Deberías tranquilizarte.
  19. @enea oye macho, con los murcianos haz lo que quieras, pero a @fraymaltes le dejas en paz >:-(
  20. @enea Ni tener un título, ni ser guapo, ni tener coches y dinero, ni ser un triunfador,... hace a nadie mejor que otra persona. Pero usar esos argumentos para intentar quedar como superior a otros, descalifica a la persona que lo hace.
    Por tu bien, no vayas con esa actitud por la vida. Solo es un consejo, sin acritud :-)
  21. @cariátide_locuaz Yo tiendo más al pluriempleo kármico y al ensaladillismo.

