Economía mundial y mercados

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1 meneos
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Lift check valve manufacturer in India

 Specialityvalve is the top lift check valve manufacturer in India . Its purpose is to keep the installations from flowing backward. Lift check valves use a guided piston that moves vertically up and down inside the valve instead of a hinged disc. The Lift is another name for the lift check valve disc. When the pressure is high enough, the piston or disc is lifted, enabling flow to pass. Reverse flow closes the valve once more, returning it to its lower position. As a flow controller, the lift check …
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
5 meneos
34 clics
La economía está amañada, y otros mitos de la campaña presidencial [ENG]

La economía está amañada, y otros mitos de la campaña presidencial [ENG]

Si quieres aprender sobre economía, hay lugares buenos y malos para hacerlo. Probablemente la peor fuente de información fiable es la actual generación de candidatos presidenciales. La hipocresía y la exageraciones no son ajenas a la política, pero en las campañas de este año han estado enormemente presentes.
7 meneos
19 clics
Grecia: PMI manufacturero se desploma por colapso de la demanda

Grecia: PMI manufacturero se desploma por colapso de la demanda

Greece’s manufacturing industry shrank at a record pace last month as demand collapsed amid capital controls introduced in an attempt to contain the nation’s crisis. Markit Economics said its factory Purchasing Managers’ Index fell to 30.2 from 46.9 in June. A reading below 50 indicates contraction. A gauge of new orders plunged to 17.9 from 43.2, also a record low. Markit said survey respondents blamed capital controls and a “generally uncertain operating environment” for the loss of business. The plunge in the index reflects heightened concerns last month about Greece’s future in the euro area after a temporary breakdown in negotiations on a bailout deal.
