Tecnología, Internet y juegos

encontrados: 82, tiempo total: 0.218 segundos rss2
7 meneos
29 clics

El satélite israelí Amos 5 pierde el contacto con la Tierra

La empresa espacial israelí Spacecom anunció que perdió el contacto con el satélite Amos 5, y que sus clientes ya no recibirán sus servicios. “Hasta este momento, la compañía no tiene información sobre la naturaleza del problema que causó la pérdida de la comunicación”, notificó Spacecom. “Hasta ahora, la empresa no ha logrado reanudar el contacto con el satélite”. Spacecom es propiedad del holding israelí Eurocom Group. Amos 5 fue lanzado en 2011, en una órbita geoestacionaria sobre el continente africano. Cubre África, Europa y Oriente Medio.
1 meneos
1 clics

The Growing Gray Market for Mobile Accessories

Smart phones are like cars nowadays. The first priority is to flaunt them to our friends. Having a bare mobile phone is not enough to impress. That is why it is important to put add-ons and enhance its feature. With thousands of varieties of mobile accessories, as normal human being living in the current state of the modern world, we can’t get contented with just one.
1 0 10 K -121
1 0 10 K -121
2 meneos
5 clics

How Do You Choose Mobile Phone Cases

Once we buy mobile phones nowadays, we immediately invest into different accessories which can fully personalize our phones and be known as ours. Every accessory should suit our taste; our application should shadow our habits and the overall appearance should mirror our personality. Finding the most suitable ones sometimes drive us into customization. The same goes for phone cases.
2 0 11 K -117
2 0 11 K -117
2 meneos
7 clics

The Increasing Value of the Internet of Things

Today is the digital universe. For the next decade, we will be expanding by 40%, counting not only the increasing number of people and enterprises online but also almost everything related to our life. It is impossible to search online nowadays and not get answers. The Internet of things refer to things answerable by Who, Where, When, What, Why and How. Like the physical universe which spans to depths unknown, the internet also has digit bits almost as many as the stars. It is expected to double in the next 5 years.
1 1 9 K -95
1 1 9 K -95
1 meneos
9 clics

The Peterson Group Review: What Everybody Ought to Know Before Buying a Laptop

The Peterson Group Review: Mobile phones are slowly replacing laptops nowadays. However, for those who need to type more than 140 characters on their phones every day, it would be more practical to stick to which functions better.
1 0 6 K -53
1 0 6 K -53
1 meneos
13 clics

Mobile Phone Basics: Original vs. Generic

When we are buying our mobile phones, it is already equipped with gadgets which are needed for a mobile phone to function properly. The package may include the mobile phone charger, headset and some even throws an extra memory card inside the box. These products are undeniable necessities which we also use almost every day.
1 0 10 K -107
1 0 10 K -107
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3 clics

Obsolescence of Telecommunications

Fast paced technology and the invention of a lot of gadgets in the present times have caused the fast deterioration and obsolescence of many present devices. Our smart phones now may already be called outdated tomorrow. Telecommunications sector has always thought of ways to take part in the fast demand and growing development of the industry. However, the sector has never really conceived of ways to get with the flow of development. One of the issues faced by obsolete telecommunications media is caused by
1 0 12 K -135
1 0 12 K -135
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Telecommunications Risks

Telecommunication is one of the present day emerging markets and like any other industry, it too has its own risks operating with unstable changes and developments. Many operators admit that their decisions to enter telecommunications industry are because of the large economic gain. On the field of action, they become exposed to dirty factors in business, fraud, theft and not to mention varying weathers and calamities Developing nations are harder to precipitate with more issues and conflicts to adhere. There are political struggles,ethical
1 0 7 K -74
1 0 7 K -74
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The Future of Mobile Age

Once upon a time, the use of mobile phones is limited to those who need it most. The age bracket even limits to those considered as legally adults. While the age of modernity is starting to get younger with younger users more knowledgeable in this field than their aging counterparts, there is a certain threat to how young users can become.
1 0 14 K -166
1 0 14 K -166
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Mobile Data in Indonesia

With the introduction of 4G LTE network on December, 2014, Indonesia has once again showed its growth in the field of telecommunication. Mobile data revenue has increased by 30% from 2013 and now contributes almost 50% of total usage revenue for each of the three leading operators - XL Axiata, Telkomsel and Indosat.
1 0 10 K -158
1 0 10 K -158
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The Peterson Group

The Peterson Group is a non-profit organization with an aim to create awareness to the public on the wide spread of alternative medicines and its incorporation with evidence-based medicines that have been used in substitute for scientifically based medicines.
1 0 8 K -80
1 0 8 K -80
9 meneos
146 clics

El magnate chino que quiere cambiar el mundo construyendo rascacielos en dos semanas

Zhang Yue construye rascacielos en semanas y promete edificar la torre más alta del mundo en cuestión de meses. Frente a muchos incrédulos, promete una revolución con base en la construcción "Los seres humanos han experimentado revoluciones en la industria, la agricultura, el transporte y la información, pero aún no en los edificios". Zhang cree que todos los permisos necesarios para Sky City se obtendrán en un plazo de tres o cuatro meses, y que la construcción se iniciará a finales de 2015 o principios de 2016.
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Cheyney Group Accounting Software Hong Kong review: Mobiilisovellus ONE UP

Mobiilisovellus ONE UP"automatisoi kirjanpidon pienyrityksille Kirjanpito pidetään yksi turhauttavaa näkökohtia pienyrityksiä, pakottaa miljoonia yritysten omistajat närästys täytetty unettomia öitä ilmoittama Cheyney Group Accounting Software Blog. Yksinkertaisesti koska he tietävät, ne on tunnettava ja hallita kassavirtaan, ehytlaitainen, myyntiluvut ja varastotilanteesta.
1 0 6 K -76
1 0 6 K -76
1 meneos
6 clics

XL Axiata Axis Capital Group: Telecommunication Challenges

Jakarta, Indonesia - Telecommunications have been evolving over the time we spent. Mobile phones are actually a necessity nowadays and are needed in the industry. Trends in telecommunications have evolved as well with an amazing speed. One of the leading telecommunications in Jakarta Indonesia, XL Axiata which is the subsidiary of Axis Capital group of telekom companies has broken down the challenges that are faced by telecommunication companies like them.
1 0 6 K -53
1 0 6 K -53
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XL Axiata Axis Capital Group Review: Telecommunications Asia Forecast 2015

Jakarta, Indonesia – Asia is one of the leading regions where the penetration of technology and telecommunications is prevalent for the last 2 decades. Asia Pacific, in particular shows a huge leap towards the modern technological advancement. According to reviews by Informa Telekoms and Media, the Asia Pacific telecom industry remains the most dynamic and diverse in the global market, containing as it does some of the most technologically advanced markets in the world – take a bow Japan and South Korea – as well as a number of low-income
1 0 15 K -183
1 0 15 K -183
1 meneos
4 clics

Home Security Corliss Group Experts: Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Leben zu automatisieren?

Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Leben zu automatisieren? Ein Consumer's Guide to das Internet der Dinge Je nachdem, wie viel ein Gadget-Geek, der du bist, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass das Internet der Dinge (IoT) hat bereits seinen Weg in Ihr Leben. Sie sind Ihr Zuhause Thermostat auf Ihr Smartphone während der Fahrt die Pendler-Zug-Startseite anpassen. Sie suchen nach verloren gegangenen Geräten in Ihrer Wohnung oder suchen offene Parkplätze quer durch die Stadt mit angeschlossenen Geräten.
1 0 7 K -61
1 0 7 K -61
1 meneos
2 clics

The Koyal Group Info Mag: Higgs Boson Discovered In Superconductors

A team of physicists from India, Israel, Germany and US reportedly detected the Higgs boson, which is believed to be the thing responsible for every mass in the universe, for the first time in superconductors. What's more, these newly-detected Higgs boson using superconductors is more stable and way cheaper to achieve. Scientists will now have an easier way to observe the Higgs boson even in ordinary laboratories.
1 0 7 K -85
1 0 7 K -85
5 meneos
32 clics

La carrocería de tu próximo coche podría chivarse a tu seguro si le das un golpe

Si bien la tecnología que conecta el coche con el mundo nos va a dar muchas alegrías, incluido el poder desplazarnos sin conducir, también es cierto que la información que estará disponible será cada vez mayor. En Hella Group ya tienen su siguiente propuesta: un coche que es capaz de "sentir" cuándo la carrocería sufre daños.
1 meneos
4 clics

Investment 4G Large, XL Request Data Rates Up

PT XL Axiata Tbk claimed to be ready to invest to organize a long-term service evolution (LTE), also known as 4G at a frequency of 1800 MHz. The Company proposes need no adjustment of data rates considering investing very large operators for data services.
1 0 13 K -162
1 0 13 K -162
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Deep Blue Group of Company Madrid Networks: 10 Tips For Å Utnytte Emballasje-On-Demand Solutions

Som små og mellomstore produsenter fortsette å søke etter billig og effektiv transport og logistikk løsninger, spesielt for å håndtere Multi-Channel distribusjon, mange blir til emballasje.
1 1 6 K -57
1 1 6 K -57
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High-Tech Help for Fleets

Sensors in the equipment can detect when, and how often, operators are not only speeding, but also doing heavy braking, driving without lights at night, or other unsafe behaviors.
1 0 11 K -135
1 0 11 K -135
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3 clics

The Koyal Group Info Mag Review

2014 Års Granskning: Vetenskap, Hälsa, och Teknik — Vår år-i-REVIEW SPECIAL ser tillbaka på den galna, konstiga och underbara berättelser om 2014.
1 0 9 K -106
1 0 9 K -106
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The Koyal Group Info Mag Review: Gamle Mennesker Avslore Hemmeligheter

3 Forskere analysert komplett genetiske hemmeligheter flere gamle mennesker i år, avslørende innsikt i hvordan folk ideer og sykdom spredt over hele verden.
1 0 6 K -55
1 0 6 K -55
2 meneos
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Vapo-bærende på Norvell Group and Associates Manufacturers Review

Sunon tilbyder kvalitet svar på spørgsmål vedrørende fordelene af god pejling design i Sunon fans. De fleste modeller leveres med et udvalg af kuglelejer, herunder standard kugleleje, ærme og Sunons proprietære Vapo-bærende ™-teknologi, en af branchens mest effektive design, at stort set eliminere slingrende, reducere forsynet med slid, tilbyde undtagelsesvis stille ydeevne og øge fan liv til en pris, der er ikke mere end er typisk med almindelige fans. Begge teknologier er patenteret og omfatter state-of-the-art forskud i bærende overflademate
1 1 13 K -141
1 1 13 K -141
1 meneos
3 clics

Online-Shopper-festliche betrug Verwarnung: The Corliss Group Latest Tech Review

ONLINE-Shopper in Warwickshire werden zu festlichen Betrüger gewarnt wird. Mehr als die Hälfte der Menschen im Vereinigten Königreich dauert mit dem Internet kaufen Geschenke, die Weihnachten und Warwickshire Police Shopper auf der Suche nach betrug sein drängen. Mehr als 100 Menschen in der Grafschaft waren online November 2013 bis Februar 2014 mit Opfern verlieren insgesamt £97.000, knapp £1.000 Euro betrogen.
1 0 2 K -12
1 0 2 K -12
