(solo de la buena)

encontrados: 3, tiempo total: 0.008 segundos rss2
1 meneos
1 clics

Renaissance - Mother Russia  

Canción del grupo Renaissance, inspirada en el relato "Una (buen) día en la vida de Ivan Denisovitch" de Aleksander Soljen...Solhe...Soljeny...aghh....... C&P: Solzhenitsyn. (léase solyenit'sin)
4 meneos
3 clics

Entrevista al músico electrónico español Lambmother (en inglés)

Lambmother is an independent electronic experimental music creator, but also a Historian, illustrator, and webmaster on ComicSquare. He was born in 1978 in Ceuta, a small Spanish city in North Africa, in the Strait of Gibraltar, but most of his adult life have lived between Granada and Barcelona. Indeed, right now he considers myself a resident of Barcelona.
Lambmother's music can be defined, in a simple way, as Experimental Electronica or IDM (Intelligent Dance Music), with...
4 meneos
7 clics

Johnny Guitar Watson - A real mother for ya - 1977  

Johnny Guitar Watson. "A real mother for ya". 1977. full track disc "A real mother".
