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Debian 9.7

El proyecto Debian se complace en anunciar la séptima actualización de su distribución estable Debian 9 (nombre en clave "stretch"). Esta versión incorpora la reciente actualización de seguridad para APT, con el fin de ayudar a garantizar que las nuevas instalaciones del tramo no sean vulnerables.
63 32 23 K 42
63 32 23 K 42
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11 clics

Debian Developers Release APT 1.0

Debian developers announced this week version 1.0 of APT, their Advanced Packaging Tool, on the day that the packaging project turned sixteen years old. APT was conceived sixteen years ago on 1 April and on 1 April of this year they celebrated its "sweet sixteen" by releasing APT 1.0. This was no April Fool's Joke. One of the new features to APT 1.0 is a new apt binary that has most of the commonly used commands from apt-get and apt-cache.
