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En menéame desde agosto de 2008

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Un gato, un zorro y un águila, juntos en el porche de una casa de Unalaska, Alaska [46]

  1. para los que preguntan sobre el efecto ese de distorsión del video, en los comentarios la chica lo comenta con un tio.

    That warp is from the YouTube Enhancement Stabilizer
    TheYellowgalaxies143 hace 23 horas 11

    I would like to let YouTube know about what it did to my video but I am not finding how to contact them. I am tempted to download it again without the help of the stabilizer and see if that is better. What do you think?
    pla1554alaska en respuesta a TheYellowgalaxies143 hace 23 horas 12

    It would be good to see it minus stabilization, if nothing else it will prove it isn't fake. Also I wouldn't mind downloading it in that form to see if I can successfully use other software to stabilise it better than YT has done, out of curiosity. Great video anyway, as always. As someone who has been subscribed to you a while, it's nice to see your videos finally getting the wider attention they deserve :-)
    sighkid en respuesta a pla1554alaska hace 11 horas

El Nobel de Física se equivocó: sí se forman agujeros negros en el LHC [ENG] [163]

  1. Yuhu! si ya dudaba entre el cambio climático, las sectas, el terrorismo, una gran guerra o una segunda parte de Frikis Buscan Incordiar... entre los factores que podrían acabar con el mundo... ahora toca sumarle ser engullidos por un agujero negro
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