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Finlandia amenaza con dejar el euro: no pagaremos la deuda de otros [213]

  1. #128 That's true. And maybe without common agreement of costs and savings, also common financial system is impossible in the long run. In good time everything goes well but when it's time to lower your costs also then everyone should do it. I've lived in Spain and it's somehow hard to think that all those little towns wouldn't exist based on this 22 000 citizen rule for example. And I don't want them to disappear! :-)
  1. Actually this all is very sad. This money is not collected to help people. I just wait the moment when German has got back enough Euros to its banks. I wouldn't be that surprised if there would be Mark back soon.
  1. Maybe it's hard to understand what is happening here in north but I could try to explain why Finland does not want to finance banks.
    The first thing is that we are small country compared to many European countries and we are having rough times as well and I can tell you that we are saving in every area which has been important at the moment; schools are shut down, towns are merged to one (new rule is that town under 22 000 citizen has to be merged), health care is centralized (some places you have to travel over 200 kilometers to have a childbirth).
    We had similar situation than south has now in 90s and we had to do huge saving back then on our own. One of the most hardest things back then was giving up of free healthcare.
    Giving money is not the answer, I think we all know that.
    Btw, I have samsung ;)

Finnish Air Force welcomes Team Finland home [3]

  1. #2 No worries, I'm a software designer. ;)

Espectacular gol en hockey de Finlandia a Rusia. Finlandia pasa a la final contra Suecia [64]

  1. WC,WC,WC!!!
    Same goal from little bit different perspective:

La ultraderecha avanza en Finlandia [107]

  1. In 90s Finland was able to avoid financial crash without outside help and people remembers that.
    Now when countries one after another are in trouble, people who suffered most in 90s (working class ~50 years old) has fed up to finance European countries.

    After thinking this a while this is even little ironic.
    Euro system is done that way that all countries has veto right and I'm pretty sure that if this "True Finns" party is in our new Government, Finland will use its veto right already with bonds of Portugal. Which will cause huge pressure to Spain as well.

    Ironic part is not the economical situation of Europe but its the system;
    Quotes from BBC: "We fully expect Finland to honour its commitments made in terms of participation of Finland like the rest of the eurozone"
  1. But what comes to Nazi talks.
    No worries guys. They are only the 3rd biggest party in Finland.
    Still they will most probably be in our new government.
    In Finland level decision making will be more difficult
    and all EU related decision even more difficult.
    So it EU has to have all countries behind some decision, do not wait Finland to agree.
  1. You cannot imagine how disappointed young people are in Finland of this result.
    And worried.

    Finland has been going well in very difficult times but people have been unhappy with cuts.
    Cuts that had to be done.

    I really hope that this CHANGE that they wanted will not happen.

En España el fracaso escolar alcanza el 30%, en Finlandia no llega ni al 1% [113]

  1. Actually definition of Scandivia is not that simple. When it's talked about peninsula, some parts of Finland are included to Scandinavia. But Scandinavia as a term is used also of nordic weather, language and culture area and then all of Finland and Denmark is considered as a part of Scandinavia.
    I can see the difference of thinking. When you are talking about Spain you are often talking about peninsula not culture. And when we are talking about Scandinavia, we don't see the peninsula but the cultural area.

"Metan a todos los banqueros en sacos llenos de serpientes y arrójenlos al Támesis" [73]

  1. Bubble is often made by ordinary/average citizens.
    Rich people, no need to take depts: only concern is that what is happening with their savings.
    Poor people, they do not take the risks because they know that they don't have affort.
    Average citizens are taking depts (sometimes over their purchasing power) and they have also little bit money to invest. When both are made without common sense, it causes a bubble and banks are never the ones who suffer.
    It's simple:
    If you consume more than you earn, you are in trouble.
    This is valid now also in country and Europe level.
    When you eat more than you consume, you get fat.

Depp: "En Disney no aguantaban mi interpretación de Jack Sparrow, pensaban que era gay" [86]

  1. What a attidude "This is the day you will always remember as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"

El insólito modelo de convivencia lingüística en Finlandia [271]

  1. #22 no it's not but it has at least similar cultural/historical value as Swedish has. The only difference is that Carelians had to leave their homes while Russians took Carelia over and that means that they lost almost everything.
  1. Maybe you cannot compare situation in Spain to Finnish situation.

    About 100 years ago there were still more Swedish speaking people and the change were forced by Russians. Rich people were mainly Swedish speaking, so they had some power to force Finland to keep also Swedish as an official language.
  1. Swedish is not the only minority language in Finland. We have also Sami and Carelian and I think that those language groups should have similar rights than Swedish.

Fotografías de Islandia [2]

  1. It's amazing how bare the landscape is, especially when compared to Finland where I live.
  1. Muy buenas fotos

El país sin alma: cómo los nórdicos ven a España [271]

  1. I never thought that it would be this huge thing when I told to Dashiell how I(some cases we) see Spain.

    But what comes to soul.
    I would love to see Spain the way you are describing here but nobody had told me these things before.
    I totally agree that you have far more interesting and fascinating things to offer than things that are already dying; like bullfighting.
    It's issue of advertising and it also can be a conscious choice of Spanish brand organization.

    Thanks guys, I've learnt a lot of Spain during the reading your comments! :-)
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