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El Banco de España afea la nueva comisión bancaria que deja perplejos a los clientes [247]

  1. #49 pues eso y en España usando su método por el banco de España, no funciona. Tu primer comentario es falso
  1. #26 el nobel no afirma eso, el nobel dice lo siguiente

    "I think economists who objected to our work were upset by the thought that we were giving free rein to people who wanted to set wages everywhere at any possible level. And that wasn't at all the spirit of what we actually said. In fact, nowhere in the book or in other writing did I ever propose raising the minimum wage. I try to stay out of political arguments.

    I think many people are concerned that much of the research they see is biased and has a specific agenda in mind. Some of that concern arises because of the open-ended nature of economic research. To get results, people often have to make assumptions or tweak the data a little bit here or there, and if somebody has an agenda, they can inevitably push the results in one direction or another. Given that, I think that people have a legitimate concern about researchers who are essentially conducting advocacy work. I try to stay away from advocacy of any kind, but that doesn't prevent people from being suspicious that I have an agenda of some kind.

    I've subsequently stayed away from the minimum wage literature for a number of reasons. First, it cost me a lot of friends. People that I had known for many years, for instance, some of the ones I met at my first job at the University of Chicago, became very angry or disappointed. They thought that in publishing our work we were being traitors to the cause of economics as a whole.

    I also thought it was a good idea to move on and let others pursue the work in this area. You don't want to get stuck in a position where you're essentially defending your old research. I certainly think it's possible that someone will come up with credible research documenting a situation where raising the minimum wage has a significant employment effect. I rather doubt we will see that right now because minimum wages are fairly low, at least in northern California where I live. My guess is that small raises in the minimum wage won't have much of an effect."

    Vamos que, entre otras cosas, está hasta el rabo de la gente diciendo que hay que subir el salario mínimo usando su estudio cuando el no lo ha propuesto.
  1. #14 el banco de españa utilizó la metodología del nobel que dijo que el salario mínimo no tiene porqué perjudicar la creación del empleo (al cual paradójicamente refieres para desacreditar el informe del Banco de España).
    Dicho economista, el "citado" por ti, ha dejado de investigar esa línea porque está cansado de malas interpretaciones por parte de ciertos grupos políticos.

El Gran Wyoming: "El nivel de manipulación y entreguismo de los medios es brutal" [453]

  1. #5 humorista, no periodista.
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