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11 meneos
170 clics
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Integristas católicos hablan de series y juguetes infantiles demoníacos

Fundamentalistas cristianos exponen que muchos juguetes y series de nuestra infancia son demoníacas, entre ellas: 1:10 – Scooby-Doo 9:25 – He-Man 12:53 – God isn’t Master of the Universe 15:52 – Skeletor Snake Mountain toy 28:15 – Classic kids commercials 31:00 – Demonic Rainbow Brite and GI Joe cereal 32:35 – Kids taking on the occult with He-Man toys 33:11 – She-Ra 39:22 – Thundercats, Hinduism and Paganism 47:35 – Ken and Barbie 50:16 – Dungeons and Dragons 57:33 – Blackstar 58:30 – The Infaceables 59:12 – Sectaurs 1:02:07 – Star Wars, Odin

| etiquetas: freak , 80´s , ultracatolicos , rarezas , juguetes
10 1 11 K -48 mnm
10 1 11 K -48 mnm
