Is a Hollywood A-lister set to bring Iron Man back to life on the big screen? Rumor has it that Tom Cruise has been spotted in a motion-capture suit on the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness set, and that has sparked sales for those Silver Age Iron man keys.

Following in the path of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness has the internet buzzing with the possibility of multiple high-profile cameos. There’s been talk of Blade, Ghost Rider, and Clea appearing in the film, but the real headline stealer has been Tom Cruise. 

Why him? This speculation dates back to the pre-MCU 2000s. There were reports that Cruise wanted to bring Tony Stark to life on the big screen before Marvel Studios came into existence. Of course, Robert Downey, Jr. would famously win the role. Still, it has left fans wondering about what could have been for decades. 

Thanks to the Multiverse, we may get a glimpse of Cruise’s portrayal of Tony Stark as the rumor is that he will appear in MOM as an interdimensional Iron Man variant. With the reports of Cruise being seen on set in a motion-capture suit? Those Silver Age Iron Man keys are as hot as ever.


Who doesn’t want a copy of Tales of Suspense #39? The first appearance of Iron Man is a well-established holy grail with the price tag to prove it. With the hot rumors circulating the gossip sites, those values are soaring higher and higher.

What’s a collector to do?

In this case, opt for Tony Stark’s second appearance in TOS #40. While this is not necessarily a cheap comic, it is much easier on the budget than #39.

It may not be Iron Man’s debut, but it is the first time readers saw him don the classic gold armor, so there is added significance here.

[caption id="attachment_93129" align="alignright" width="199"]Iron Man and Sub-Mariner 1 with cover art by Gene Colan and Bill Everett Iron-Man and Sub-Mariner 1[/caption]


Here is a key issue that has been gaining traction in recent years. What makes this comic special is that it was the first time we saw Iron Man’s name on the title.

It also served as the connection between both Iron Man and Submariner’s solo titles after they starred in other series, such as Tales of Suspense.

Between the long-standing speculation that Namor is on his way to the MCU and the recent MOM Iron Man scuttlebutt, it’s no wonder collectors want to get their hands on Iron Man and Sub-Mariner #1.


This issue has long been one of Iron Man’s most famous covers, and the MOM rumors are giving it a boost as of late.

This 1968 issue is another good alternative to the inflated prices of Tales of Suspense #49, and the possibility of Tony Stark returning to the MCU in any capacity is giving collectors new reasons to find copies of their own.

Even if the Cruise gossip doesn’t pan out, this is still a solid pickup for any collector. It’s a classic Iron Man issue that collectors will always covet, so it isn’t likely to lose money in the long run.


Multiverse of Madness could rival No Way Home’s box office success. Many MCU fans are more interested in the surprise cameos than the movie’s plot, and MOM appears to have enough to please even the most hardcore of Marvel fans. Will we see Tom Cruise suit up as Iron Man at least for a brief cameo? Could Nicolas Cage return as Ghost Rider? It’s those intriguing questions that keep the Marvel fandom on its toes and drive the secondary market to record highs.

Tom Cruise as Iron Man? Anything Is Possible in the Multiverse!

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